Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Levi became ill with a horrible cough on Sunday night and fever. No fever felt better Monday morning so i sent him to his very last day of school only to have him sent home sicker an hour later. Rushed him to the Doctor and had Xrays done. Diagnosis.... Pneumonia in Left lung, bad allergic reaction with a HUGE lump behind his left ear and several bug bites. ( no clue where they came from). He has them on his head every where. His asthma is definitely flared up Came home on Steroids, antibiotics, 2 different nebs rotating every 4 hours. Nice for me ha vent had much sleep. Today is Wednesday and Lump is still there behind his ear he gets so winded if he even tries to run and play, no fever, cough is about half, sleeping through the night once again YEAH for that one.

I have been so wishy washy the past few weeks. I had to have all the fluid taken out of my lap band 3 weeks ago due to a minor band slip hugely had heartburn and getting stuck with everything i eat. Well they take the fluid out and walla i can eat again but still have major heartburn. I have been eating non stop i think. I wasn't able to eat right for so long i have been eating everything in sight and have gained 5 pounds. Now the thing is i go back in Tuesday next week to start getting fluid back in and if it hasn't resolved probably have to have it removed etc etc. I fear having it taken out even thought i ha vent had much luck in 3 years and have been the worst bandster ever. I was contemplating putting my appointment off a few weeks more to see if it gets better.

Oh lord have i been having depression bouts. Jerry is here all he does is eat, sleep, scream and cuss, and nothing at all. I'm so tired of all the crap from him. My unemployment ended this week which is bad bad bad. Was suppose to have another 60 days but nope they decided no extension for me. I have had terrible moody swings from happy to angry to frustrated to anxious in the extreme past few months and its not getting any better.

Jonathon graduates kindergarten Friday WOW with cap and gown ceremony and all. He has worked so hard these past few months to pass it since it is his second year and he has been through hell. HE DID IT.. I cant be more proud and I'm making a big deal of it with cake, decorations, a BBQ and all. Its a huge accomplishment for him.

On a lighter Note i made the most delicious carrott cake last night from scratch. Wont last long in my house im sure of it.

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